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Taboo desire

sex is still a taboo subject and yet we all do it, other wise how else would we have kids but sex is not just for reproduction of a population, fucking is fun it releases endorphins and can give a feeling of euphoria.

With new technology online dating and hookup sites the new generations are looking to just have casual roots instead of relationships, this is changing the way we look at relationship its no more about finding a partner and being in a relationship it is becoming very normal to stay single and just swipe left or right. This brings about a separation between emotional and sexual attachment to a person or in some cases persons. No longer having to conform to a monogamist lifestyle and being able to have polymorphic relationships.

This is helping to open people up to sexual experiences that their parents and previous generation would look at being taboo, liking it to a hippie commune or orgy cult. But for many thousands of years this has been the case, its just a liberation of sexual orientation and being able to develop the sexual animal inside you. In reference to taboo it just a word its designed to instil fear and form boundaries, the use of this is to conform society to government and religious views its a word that instils fear of breaking the taboo, when it comes to sex there is no taboo there is boundary's and laws that should not be broken like incest and paedophilia and all the others we know about.

I liken this to the ice cream section in a grocery store many people just love vanilla and that's all they need sometimes adding a little side dish but mostly just vanilla, there is a portion that are satisfied with neopolitan and occasionally get wild with a few different toppings and flavours. Then there are the people who want it all can’t choose and want to mix and match adding topping, flavours and side dishes, this is considered taboo and most people look and shake there heads and think that's so wrong. But if you enjoy it and your not hurting anyone else there is nothing wrong with it.

So go out and experience the world have fun, find out what your kinks are and enjoy it with others. There is a whole buffet of sexual desires to choose from.

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